« 1 » Rack build (progressive)
20th March 2015
These were some progressive photos of the build for the rack space for the studio, including wiring it all up.
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« 2 » Air Hockey
5th October 2014
Richard and Jai build an Air Hockey project.
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« 3 » Spacerails 6
15th September 2014
Jai and Richard build and play Spacrails.
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« 4 » Building the strandbeest model
7th June 2014
Jai and Richard build the Strandbeest model that Jai got for his birthday
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« 5 » Roland GK compatible MIDI guitar controller/synth
1st January 2014
Some photos of the build of this controller
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« 6 » Septar Kit Build
2nd July 2012
Some photos of the Septar kit I put together, this allows a Roland GK3 pickup to split the strings of a guitar into individual signals.
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« 7 » Stratocaster rebuild
8th February 2012
Details of a rebuild I did for a Stratocaster rebuild. The original guitar was bought on eBay for $41, it took around 6 months to build and is intended for my son, Jai.
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« 8 » Riverhead Sound Research - Session Electric Guitar (Superstrat)
6th October 2011
The Session (aka known as "Sesh", "Suzie Session" and "Suzie Sesh") is a long standing recording guitar. I don't know a lot about the history of this guitar prior to my purchasing it from a pawn shop in the mid 80's, and in fact I can't find a lot out about the company - apart from they worked out of Japan in the "Headway" factory during the 70's and 80's - the build quality is surprisingly good for a relatively unknown brand, and it was worked for many years on stage and in the studio. 22 frets on rosewood with shark fin triangle inlays, two single coils and a humbucker, which was later replaced by a Seymour Duncan SH-4B. These guitars get mixed reviews (when you can find them!), ranging from "avoid" to "best purchase" - I think mine lands in the later area of that.
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« 9 » PRS Torero install internal Roland GK-Kit-GT3
28th September 2011
I modified my PRS SE Torero to include a Roland internal GK-KIT-GT3, which has a 13 pin output to drive a guitar synth. The install took over a month of work, and the stages taken have been documented on each of the photos.
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« 10 » Rabbit Run
29th April 2006
Richard and Eunice build a Rabbit Run down the side of the house.
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