« 11 » Araluen Botanical Park
17th November 2018
We went to Araluen Botanical park for the day, and these are some of the pictures we took.
- 234 pictures -
« 12 » Kings Park
24th September 2018
We went to Kings Park for the day, these are some photos
- 254 pictures -
« 13 » Whiteman Park
19th May 2018
We went to Whiteman Park for a while.
- 38 pictures -
« 14 » Kings Park, Concept Music
28th April 2018
We went to Kings Park and Concept Music.
- 233 pictures -
« 15 » Whiteman Park
31st March 2018
We went to Whiteman Park and enjoyed a tram ride and looking through the tractor museum
- 104 pictures -
We visited Kosmic music centre in Osborne park and took a couple of photos
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« 17 » Neil Hawkins park
24th February 2018
We went to Neil Hawkins park and these are some of the photos we took
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« 18 » Neil Hawkins park
24th February 2018
We went to Neil Hwkins and took these pictures
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« 19 » Motor museum
27th December 2017
Javier and Richard went to the Tractor museum and the Motor museum at Whiteman park to have a look around. These are some of the photos.
- 283 pictures -
« 20 » Kings Park
15th October 2017
We went to Kings Park, and these are some of the photos we took.
- 77 pictures -