« 21 » More pictures of Cream, the Dwarf Lop Rabbit
3rd August 2005
Some more various photos of Cream, the dwarf lop rabbit, including some pics of him running around the backyard. He ran away for 24 hours before some kind lady in the next street returned him, proving there are still some good people in the world.
- 90 pictures -
« 22 » More photos of our rabbit.
26th June 2005
Yet more photos of our rabbit, Cream, in different situations, including meeting the cats.
- 81 pictures -
« 23 » Two new additions to the family.
8th May 2005
We got two new additions to the family, "Cookies" and "Cream". Cream is the smaller of the two, and is a Dwarf Lop cross Dwarf Rabbit, and Cookies is a Dwarf Lop rabbit.
- 34 pictures -