« 251 » Jai at 76 weeks of age (1 year 24 weeks)
19th November 2010
Some photos of Jai from the week, including visiting the local Fire Station and Botanic Golf, some Gymbaroo and playing at home and the local parks.
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« 252 » Jai at 75 weeks of age (1 year 23 weeks)
12th November 2010
Photos of Jai from during the week, including a visit to Castledare Miniature Railway and visiting a park near there. Putting up the Christmas tree and playing with the cats.
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« 253 » Jai at 74 weeks of age (1 year 22 weeks)
5th November 2010
Some photos of Jai during the week, mostly resting at home after the Melbourne trip.
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« 254 » Jai at 73 weeks of age (1 year 21 weeks)
29th October 2010
Photos of Jai from during the week, including visiting the Melbourne Aquarium, the Melbourne Museum, and riding on a tram. For more of our Melbourne trip photos, see the site http://melbourne.richardeunice.myphotos.cc.
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« 255 » Jai at 72 weeks of age (1 year 20 weeks)
22nd October 2010
Pictures of Jai from during the week, including a visit to both the Perth and Melbourne zoos, Gymbaroo and some photos around home. For more on the Melbourne trip, also see http://melbourne.richardeunice.myphotos.cc.
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« 256 » A day at the Zoo
17th October 2010
Richard and Jai went for a trip to the Zoo. These were some of the pictures we took.
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« 257 » Richard and Jai play guitar
16th October 2010
Richard and Jai play guitar
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« 258 » Jai at 71 weeks of age (1 year 19 weeks)
15th October 2010
Jai spent a fair amount of time at home this week, due to the warmer weather, but found fun in his cubby in the backyard.
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« 259 » Jai at 70 weeks of age (1 year 18 weeks)
8th October 2010
Some photos of Jai from during the week, including a visit to the Royal show, catching up with friends, and playing with water in the backyard. There were also a couple of photos taken at the Royal Show by a professional photographer.
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« 260 » 2010 Perth Royal Agricultural Show
2nd October 2010
We spent the day at the Perth Royal Show, and took some pictures along the way. Jai played with the animals, and Richard had his tarot read, as well as purchasing show bags, and wandering around to see the exhibits.
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