« 41 » July 2008 HO Slotcar Racing
12th July 2008
July's race meet was held at Dave's place at Way Out West Raceway - for the winners and grinners, please see the forums.
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« 42 » June HO Slotcar racing
7th June 2008
June's HO Slot car race was held at Geoff's place - for the winners and grinners, please visit the forums.
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« 43 » May HO Slotcar racing
10th May 2008
May's HO slotcar racing was held at XLR8 in Bibra Lakes, for the winners and grinners, please see the forums.
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« 44 » April HO Slotcar racing
5th April 2008
This months slot car meet was held at Cam's place, on his bright and big track. For winners and grinners, please see the forums.
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« 45 » Whiteman Park Car Show
16th March 2008
This annual event is the biggest outdoor classic vehicle display in Western Australia featuring more than 1,000 classic cars from nearly 70 car clubs. The event was held at Whiteman Park in Perth, Western Australia, and these are some of the photos we took.
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« 46 » March HO Slotcar Meet
8th March 2008
This months slotcar meet was held at Kevin's place in Armadale. The largest group of starters in the couple of years we have been getting together showed up today, to make for a full day of racing AFX cars. For details of the winners and grinners, please visit the forums.
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« 47 » Perth HO Slotcar Group windup for 2007
8th December 2007
The last meet for the year was held at Geoff's, after lunch we raced some driver challenges and concluded with a time challenge, where a specific time was to be met, but not gone under. Thereafter we had the presentation for the winners in each class and division, as well as racing on Cam's 1/32nd rally track.
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« 48 » Perth HO Slotcar meet - November 2007 Race
10th November 2007
The November meet for the Perth Slotcar meet was held at Karl's where many hours of racing endured. There was also a competition for the best decorated GT40 slotcar, winners of races and customizing will be shared in the forum.
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« 49 » HO Slotcar Racing
1st September 2007
The September meeting for the Perth HO Slot car group was held at Geoff's place. Results and discussions will be posted in the forums.
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« 50 » Perth HO Slotcar June Meet
9th June 2007
This months meet was held at Drew's place on his recently rebuilt track. He now has a 6 lane mega-monster that we raced the T-Jets, Tomy Turbo's and Super G+ HO scale cars on. Results will be posted shortly to the forums.
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