« 41 » September HO Slotcar racing
20th September 2008
The September round of HO Slot car racing was held at Karl's - for the winners and grinners, see the forums.
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« 42 » August HO Slotcar Racing
9th August 2008
Richard and Eunice hosted the August slot car meet on the Dragon Raceway routed track. For winners and grinners, please see the forums.
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« 43 » June HO Slotcar racing
7th June 2008
June's HO Slot car race was held at Geoff's place - for the winners and grinners, please visit the forums.
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« 44 » April HO Slotcar racing
5th April 2008
This months slot car meet was held at Cam's place, on his bright and big track. For winners and grinners, please see the forums.
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« 45 » Whiteman Park Car Show
16th March 2008
This annual event is the biggest outdoor classic vehicle display in Western Australia featuring more than 1,000 classic cars from nearly 70 car clubs. The event was held at Whiteman Park in Perth, Western Australia, and these are some of the photos we took.
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« 46 » Richard Mortimer and Eunice Mortimer - 2007
December 2007
A collection of photos of Richard and Eunice during 2007. This set includes the wedding in Australia and Europe, and some photos from the trip around Italy, France, Switzerland and Malaysia.
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« 47 » HO Slotcar Racing
1st September 2007
The September meeting for the Perth HO Slot car group was held at Geoff's place. Results and discussions will be posted in the forums.
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« 48 » African Lovebird photos - Agapornis
10th February 2007
Some more pictures of the Lovebirds we own and keep, these are a combination of the Peachfaced Lovebirds (Agapornis Roseicollis - green with red face), some Blue Masked Lovebirds (Agapornis Personata Pesonata variation - blue with black masked face), some Fischers Lovebirds (Agapornis Personata Roseicollis - green with mask in different colour variations), Masked Lovebirds (Agapornis Personata Pesonata - dark green with yellow breast and black mask) and the Lutino Lovebirds (Agapornis Roseicollis variation - yellow with red face). The addition of the new bowl feeder (see the aviary pictures) has prompted this set.
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« 49 » HO slotcar racers jump session
6th January 2007
The Perth HO slot car group got together for an informal session of racing and proceeded to jump their cars over ramps and cars before adding a paper plane to the top of the cars to get them to go further and further. These photos were taken by Cam Lucas and some of the other crew there.
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« 50 » Richard Mortimer and Eunice Foo's Civil Wedding
24th December 2006
A small ceremony was held to celebrate Richard and Eunices Civil Wedding in their backyard at Joondalup, followed by a Chinese Tea Ceremony later in the day. The tea ceremony is the traditional Chinese way of marriage, and the Bride and Groom will kneel before the parents and offer them special tea to gain acceptance in the family. This is followed by offering tea to the older siblings, then the younger siblings repeat the process to the newly weds, to accept their position in the heirarchy of the family. Later during the day they went to Burns Beach to have some photos taken by the Western Australian coastline. The majority of photos included in this set were taken by Leonard Foo, Eunice's brother, which follow the events of the day.
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