« 41 » A visit to the park and Paradigm mall in Malaysia
14th June 2016
Richard, Jai and Javier went to the local park, and then to the Paradigm mall one day while in Malaysia.
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« 42 » Javier Mortimer - week 97 (1 year, 45 weeks)
27th April 2016
Some photos of Javier during week 97, at home, at the beach, the car yard, playing mini golf, and at parks.
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« 43 » Javier Mortimer - week 96 (1 year, 11 months)
20th April 2016
Parks, car yards, beach, Library and home were all in Javiers week.
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« 44 » Kuala Lumpur Butterfly Park, Malaysia
31st March 2016
We visited the Butterfly Park in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, then went on to the Hornbill Resturant before going to the National Observatory (which was closed).
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« 45 » Javier Mortimer - week 93 (1 year, 41 weeks)
30th March 2016
Whilst in Malaysia, Javier visited the Butterfly park, and spent time around the locals shops and Paw Paw's house
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« 46 » Javier Mortimer - week 91 (1 year, 39 weeks)
16th March 2016
Garbage trucks, the School Carnival, Beaches and visiting Grandma Ann at Pinnaroo Memorial park were all in Javiers week.
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« 47 » Javier Mortimer - week 89 (1 year, 37 weeks)
2nd March 2016
Shops, including Drovers, going to Elizabeth Quay and a high end car yard, Kosmic and Joondalup music all featured in Javiers week.
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« 48 » Javier Mortimer - week 88 (1 year, 9 months)
24th February 2016
Burns Beach, the local park, and home were all on Javier's agenda this week.
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« 49 » Javier Mortimer - week 79 (1 year, 27 weeks)
23rd December 2015
Photos of Javier in the City, during Christmas, at the local park and beaches, and life in general.
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« 50 » Javier Mortimer - week 76 (1 year, 6 months)
2nd December 2015
Some photos of Javier as he turns 18 months old, including playing at Neil Hawkins park, a big storm and hanging around home.
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