« 61 » Summersalt play at the Bog in Northbridge, WA
3rd August 2002
The band Summersalt play at the Bog, in Northbridge, Western Australia.
- 26 pictures -
« 62 » Holiday in Dunsborough, Western Australia
1st October 2001
Some friends and I go to Dunsborough to soak up the sun, drink wine and eat chocolate for a few days.
- 228 pictures -
« 63 » Lick the Leopard at The Lookout, Scarborough, Western Australia
3rd September 2000
Lick the Leopard play at the Lookout in Scarborough, Western Australia
- 20 pictures -
« 64 » Lick the Leopard at The Paddington Alehouse, Mt Hawthorn, Weatern Australia
25th August 2000
Lick the Leopard play at the Paddington again - more fun and frivolity!!
- 27 pictures -
« 65 » Lick the Leopard at The Paddington Alehouse, Mt Hawthorn, Weatern Australia
4th August 2000
Lick the Leopard play at the Paddington Alehouse, with various shots from the night
- 23 pictures -