The Mortimer's visit Perth Zoo to celebrate Richard's birthday and view the animals.
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« 72 » Jai Theodore Mortimer
5th June 2009
Jai on his birthday. He was born at 4.30pm, weighing 2.79kg (6 pound 2.5). Length was 49cm, head circumference was 31.5 cm.
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« 73 » Eunice birthday celebrations
29th May 2009
We had a couple of friends over to help celebrate Eunices birthday a few days early.
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« 74 » Greg Pereira's 40th Birthday Party
19th July 2008
Greg turned 40 and had a party to celebrate - these are some of the pictures we took.
Greg and I played in a band together many years ago, and we produced an album called Newspaper Heroes in 1991, here are some of those songs in MP3 format:
S1: Diamonds in the sky : That Night : Gypsy Fair : Nymphette's Dance : Leaving
S2: Aspirin in my coffee : Midnight Dancer : Sleep : Margaret's Euology : Since my baby left me
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« 75 » Jayde's 1st Birthday
20th May 2007
Some photos from our niece Jayde's first birthday party.
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« 76 » Chinese New Year celebrations in Perth
18th February 2007
Richard and Eunice go to Forrest Chase in Perth to see the celebrations for the Chinese New Year put on by the Chung Wah Association of Western Australia. To celebrate the coming of the year of the Fire Pig, there were dancers and musicians, as well as the Lion Dance.
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« 77 » Kym's 30th Birthday Lunch at Pizza Bella Roma, Fremantle
16th July 2006
Kym continues her 30th birthday celebration by having Pizza and other food a Pizza Bella Roma, in Fremantle, surrounded by family and friends. We took these shots of the event.
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« 78 » Jonathon's 21st birthday dinner
1st April 2006
Jonathon celebrates his 21st birthday with a dinner, surrounded by family and friends.
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« 79 » Richards new Inlaid Guitar
14th November 2005
Richards birthday present arrives! People chipped in and bought me this inlaid guitar from overseas; depicting a Genie coming out from a Lamp. The guitar is inlaid with Mother of Pearl and Abalone to give the striking image, which is hard to pick up with the camera.
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« 80 » Richard Mortimers 40th birthday dinner and karaoke
22nd October 2005
Richard turns 40, and went to dinner at the Koh-I-Noor Indian resturant with family and friends. Later we went back home for the traditional cake and candles before singing the night away with some karaoke.
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