« 91 » Jai at 2 years, 6 weeks
15th July 2011
Photos of Jai from during the week, including going to Rhys birthday, Neil Hawkins Park, playing with friends and visiting Joondalup Lakeside
- 395 pictures -
« 92 » Jai at 2 years, 5 weeks
8th July 2011
Some photos of Jai from during the week, including visiting the local lake, playing with friends, eating ice cream and visiting Ikea.
- 210 pictures -
« 93 » Jai at 2 years, 4 weeks
1st July 2011
Some photos of Jai from during the week, including visiting Perth, the Supanova exhibition, bathtime and playing.
- 224 pictures -
« 94 » Jai at 2 years, 3 weeks
24th June 2011
Some photos of Jai from during the week, including visiting Aunty Janette and Uncle Wayne, and eating Sushi in the City.
- 80 pictures -
« 95 » Jai at 103 weeks of age (1 year 51 weeks)
27th May 2011
Some photos of Jai from during the week, including a visit to Perth and the local duck pond.
- 163 pictures -
« 96 » Jai at 102 weeks of age (1 year 50 weeks)
20th May 2011
Some photos of Jai from during the week, including visiting AQWA and playing with old and new toys.
- 88 pictures -
« 97 » A visit to AQWA
15th May 2011
We went for a family outing to AQWA for the morning, and these are some of the pictures.
- 158 pictures -
« 98 » Jai at 100 weeks of age (1 year 48 weeks, 23 months)
6th May 2011
Some photos of Jai from during the week, whilst visiting Malaysia
- 721 pictures -
« 99 » Jai at 94 weeks of age (1 year 42 weeks)
25th March 2011
Some photos of Jai from during the week, including visiting Perth, and going to he beach.
- 300 pictures -
« 100 » Jai at 93 weeks of age (1 year 41 weeks)
18th March 2011
Some photos of Jai from during the week, including going to the Yanchep Festival, a visit to the markets, catching fish at the local lake and playing in the pool.
- 565 pictures -